Reading List and Downloads Page Updates

I am very excited to announce some major updates to the [Reading List]( and [Downloads]( pages here at the blog!

#### The Reading List

My goal with the reading list is to offer reviews and purchase opportunities for every chess book I own and/or have read. When a book is added to the list that includes a collection of games, I typically will add a PGN and Chessbase data file for download. Yesterday, I added *five* new books to the collection:

* Experts vs the Sicilian – by Jacob Agaard & John Shaw (editors)
* The Game of Kings – by Michael Weinreb
* The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played – Irving Chernev
* Includes PGN/Chessbase data files.
* The Queen of Katwe – Tim Crothers
* Includes PGN/Chessbase data files.
* The Teeth May Smile, But The Heart Does Not Forget – by Andrew Rice

*The Teeth May Smile* is the first non-chess book to make it on to the reading list and rightfully so. It had a profound impact on me and my perspective of what chess can do for people in dire situations. Check out the *Reading List* page for more information.

#### The Downloads Page
The downloads page has undergone radical transformation over the last few months and I am pleased to say that new databases and wallpapers are in-work almost regularly. This week, I was excited to finally finish a PGN and Chessbase collection for *Experts vs the Sicilian* by Jacob Agaard and John Shaw. This is *one* of my favorite opening books and I am excited to offer a chance for others that might have picked this book up to use Chessbase or your favorite PGN viewer to follow the moves. Additionally, I have added a new individual games archive for Phiona Mutesi of *The Queen of Katwe* fame. Check out the *Downloads* page for more information!