Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is *Thanksgiving* in the United States. It is the time of year when families gather together and eat mountains of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and other goodies while reminiscing about life. As the name of the holiday implies, thankfulness is a key element to the celebration. Thanksgiving is a time when we gather and give thanks to God for all of the blessings in our lives. Some of those blessings are more subtle than others, but all thankfulness is important. These days, it can seem as though there is an abundance of apathy and discord in the world, but thankfulness can help us to realize that we still have an abundance of things in life to be thankful for.

Even if you do not live in the United States, perhaps today is the day that you can begin your own day of thankfulness. Perhaps you live every day as a thankful person, but today could be the day that you share that thankfulness with another person. After all, it is good to share our thankfulness with others as it builds a positive environment around us and it encourages others to examine their lives and also to give thanks for the things God has blessed them with.