When I began writing this blog back in May of 2014, I promised myself that I wanted it to be something *simple*…merely a way for me to share my chess experiences, thoughts, and passions. I have developed a significant obsession for the game over the past year or so and I am excited to announce that the first major publication from this site is now available for *free download*! The *OffMyChess.com Yearbook 2014* is the culmination of a monumental solo-effort to compile the “greatest hits” from this site throughout the last year. There are several articles reprinted from the blog in PDF format creating an exceptional collection format.
#### What you will find in the yearbook:
* God and Chess
* Movie Review: Life of a King
* Magnus Carlsen: The World Champion Reigns
* Is Chess Losing Public Appeal?
* Product reviews including Chessmate, Plycounter, and various chess boards.
Additionally, the yearbook contains 30 games annotated by myself for the *OMC Weekend Review*. This compilation features the news, stories, and articles from twenty weeks of *OMC Weekend Review* and have been revised with new annotations and diagrams to explain key moves and positions. Finally, the Yearbook is also available in [ChessBase](http://www.chessbase.com) format and includes annotated copies of each game from the PDF document.
The OffMyChess.com Yearbook has been a labor of love since June of last year when I began publishing the weekly updates. It is my goal to expand on that practice through 2015 and continue to collect games that I believe are instructive and representative of the challenges that people face when undertaking a monumental task such as learning to play good chess. In the meantime, head over to the [Publications](http://www.offmychess.com/pubs) page to get the PDF and ChessBase database files to enjoy the inaugural edition of *OffMyChess.com Yearbook 2014*!