Streaks are a Fashion Trend

It is a brand new year and what an amazing year in chess that it is already turning out to be! Much of the chess world continues to look back on the 2014 Sinquefield Cup in Saint Louis and compare current tournaments to Fabiano Caruana’s incredibly 7-0 winning streak. Just a couple of weeks ago, World Champion Magnus Carlsen [completed a 6-0 streak to win]( the 2015 TATA Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee. As Magnus closed in on tying Fabiano’s winning streak, it became apparent from the media and on the face of the champion that the pressure was mounting. After drawing the 7th game, Magnus appeared somewhat relieved and expressed little interest in extending his winning streak in the tournament. A series of missteps by Anish Giri eventually handed Carlsen the win in Wijk aan Zee. Here are the games from Carlsen’s TATA Steel 6-0 streak.

[Event “77th Tata Steel GpA”]
[Site “Wijk aan Zee NED”]
[Date “2015.01.13”]
[Round “4.4”]
[White “Van Wely, Loek”]
[Black “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Result “0-1”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2667”]
[BlackElo “2862”]
[ECO “E60”]
[Opening “King’s Indian, 3.Nf3”]
[WhiteFideId “1000268”]
[BlackFideId “1503014”]
[EventDate “2015.01.10”]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nf3 Bg7 4. g3 d5 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. Bg2 Nb6 7. Nc3 Nc6 8. O-O
O-O 9. d5 Na5 10. Qc2 c6 11. dxc6 Nxc6 12. Rd1 Bd7 13. Bf4 Qc8 14. Rac1 Bf5 15.
e4 Bg4 16. Qb3 Qe6 17. Qxe6 fxe6 18. e5 Nd5 19. Nxd5 exd5 20. Ng5 e6 21. f3 h6
22. fxg4 hxg5 23. Bxg5 Nxe5 24. Bf4 Nc6 25. g5 Bxb2 26. Rc2 Bd4+ 27. Kh1 Rad8
28. Rb1 Rf7 29. Bh3 Re8 30. Re2 e5 31. Rb5 Ref8 32. Be6 exf4 33. Rxb7 f3 34. Rd2
Kg7 35. Bxf7 Rxf7 36. Rxf7+ Kxf7 37. Rd3 f2 38. Kg2 Ke6 39. h4 Bb6 40. Rf3 Ne5
41. Rf6+ Ke7 42. a4 Bd4 43. g4 Nxg4 44. Rf4 Nh2 0-1

[Event “77th Tata Steel GpA”]
[Site “Wijk aan Zee NED”]
[Date “2015.01.15”]
[Round “5.6”]
[White “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Black “Aronian, Levon”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2862”]
[BlackElo “2797”]
[ECO “D38”]
[Opening “QGD”]
[Variation “Ragozin variation”]
[WhiteFideId “1503014”]
[BlackFideId “13300474”]
[EventDate “2015.01.10”]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. cxd5 exd5 6. Bg5 h6 7. Bxf6 Qxf6 8.
Qa4+ Nc6 9. e3 O-O 10. Be2 Be6 11. O-O a6 12. Rfc1 Bd6 13. Qd1 Ne7 14. a3 Rfd8
15. b4 Nc8 16. Na4 b6 17. Nb2 Ne7 18. Nd3 Ng6 19. a4 a5 20. b5 Re8 21. Rc3 Bf5
22. Rac1 Rad8 23. Nd2 Rd7 24. g3 Nf8 25. Bg4 Nh7 26. Bxf5 Qxf5 27. Qf3 Qg5 28.
h4 Qe7 29. Rc6 Nf6 30. Nf4 g6 31. h5 Kg7 32. hxg6 fxg6 33. Nxd5 Nxd5 34. Qxd5
Bxg3 35. Qg2 Bd6 36. Nc4 Rf8 37. Ne5 Bxe5 38. Qxg6+ Kh8 39. Qxh6+ Kg8 40. dxe5
Qxe5 41. Rg6+ Kf7 42. Rc4 Qa1+ 43. Kg2 Rh8 44. Rf4+ Ke8 45. Re6+ Re7 46. Rxe7+
Kxe7 47. Re4+ 1-0

[Event “77th Tata Steel GpA”]
[Site “Wijk aan Zee NED”]
[Date “2015.01.16”]
[Round “6.4”]
[White “Caruana, Fabiano”]
[Black “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Result “0-1”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2820”]
[BlackElo “2862”]
[ECO “B31”]
[Opening “Sicilian”]
[Variation “Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (with …g6, without …d6)”]
[WhiteFideId “2020009”]
[BlackFideId “1503014”]
[EventDate “2015.01.10”]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 g6 4. Bxc6 dxc6 5. d3 Bg7 6. h3 Nf6 7. Nc3 b6 8. Be3
e5 9. O-O O-O 10. a3 Qe7 11. Qb1 Nh5 12. b4 f5 13. bxc5 f4 14. Bd2 bxc5 15. Qb3+
Be6 16. Qa4 Rac8 17. Qa5 g5 18. Na4 g4 19. hxg4 Bxg4 20. Qxc5 Qf6 21. Nh2 f3 22.
Nxg4 Qg6 23. Qe7 fxg2 24. Rfb1 Qxg4 25. Qg5 Qe2 26. Qe3 Qg4 27. Qg5 Qxg5 28.
Bxg5 Nf4 29. Bxf4 exf4 30. Kxg2 f3+ 31. Kf1 Rf4 32. c3 Rd8 33. d4 Bh6 34. Ke1
Rxe4+ 35. Kd1 c5 36. Kc2 cxd4 37. Kd3 Re2 38. c4 Rxf2 39. Rd1 Re2 0-1

[Event “77th Tata Steel GpA”]
[Site “Wijk aan Zee NED”]
[Date “2015.01.17”]
[Round “7.4”]
[White “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Black “Hou, Yifan”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2862”]
[BlackElo “2673”]
[ECO “B32”]
[Opening “Sicilian”]
[Variation “Labourdonnais-Loewenthal (Kalashnikov) variation”]
[WhiteFideId “1503014”]
[BlackFideId “8602980”]
[EventDate “2015.01.10”]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e5 5. Nb5 d6 6. c4 Be7 7. N1c3 a6 8. Na3
Be6 9. Nc2 Bg5 10. Be2 Bxc1 11. Rxc1 Nf6 12. O-O O-O 13. Qd2 Qb6 14. Rfd1 Rfd8
15. b3 h6 16. h3 Qa7 17. Bf3 Ne7 18. Ne3 Nc6 19. Bg4 Nd4 20. Bxe6 fxe6 21. Nc2
Nxc2 22. Rxc2 Rd7 23. Qe2 Rad8 24. Rd3 Qc5 25. Na4 Qc6 26. Re3 b6 27. Nb2 Rf7
28. Rd2 Nd7 29. Nd3 a5 30. Nb2 Nc5 31. Nd1 Rdf8 32. Qe1 Rd8 33. Nc3 Rfd7 34. Qd1
Na6 35. Qh5 Nc7 36. Rg3 Kh8 37. Rdd3 Re7 38. Rg6 Qe8 39. Rdg3 Rdd7 40. Nd1 Rf7
41. Qe2 Rf4 42. Qe3 b5 43. Nb2 Rdf7 44. c5 Qc6 45. Nd3 b4 46. Qe2 Rh4 47. R6g4
Rxg4 48. Qxg4 Kg8 49. Qh5 Nb5 50. Rg4 Nc3 51. Qxh6 Nxe4 52. Qxe6 Nxf2 53. Nxe5
Nxh3+ 54. Kh2 1-0

[Event “77th Tata Steel GpA”]
[Site “Wijk aan Zee NED”]
[Date “2015.01.18”]
[Round “8.4”]
[White “Jobava, Baadur”]
[Black “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Result “0-1”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2727”]
[BlackElo “2862”]
[ECO “A01”]
[Opening “Nimzovich-Larsen attack”]
[WhiteFideId “13601520”]
[BlackFideId “1503014”]
[EventDate “2015.01.10”]

1. b3 g6 2. Bb2 Nf6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. d4 c5 5. e3 cxd4 6. exd4 d5 7. Qd2 Nc6 8. f3
h5 9. Bb5 Qd6 10. Nge2 Bh6 11. Qd1 Bf5 12. Bc1 Bxc1 13. Rxc1 Rc8 14. Qd2 O-O 15.
Bxc6 bxc6 16. Na4 Rfe8 17. O-O e5 18. c3 h4 19. dxe5 Rxe5 20. b4 Rce8 21. Nd4 h3
22. g3 Bc8 23. Nc5 Nd7 24. Nd3 R5e7 25. Rfe1 c5 26. bxc5 Nxc5 27. Nf4 Rxe1+ 28.
Rxe1 Rxe1+ 29. Qxe1 Ne6 30. Nfxe6 Bxe6 31. Kf2 Bd7 32. Qb1 Qc7 33. Qb3 Bc8 34.
a3 a5 35. Qb2 Ba6 36. Nc2 Qa7+ 37. Ne3 Bc4 38. f4 Kh7 39. g4 Qe7 40. Qc1 Qe4 41.
f5 Qf4+ 42. Kg1 gxf5 43. gxf5 Bd3 44. Qe1 Bxf5 45. Nxf5 Qxf5 46. Qg3 Kh6 47. Qb8
Qf3 48. Qh8+ Kg6 49. Qg8+ Kf6 50. Qd8+ Kf5 0-1

[Event “77th Tata Steel GpA”]
[Site “Wijk aan Zee NED”]
[Date “2015.01.20”]
[Round “9.4”]
[White “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Black “Radjabov, Teimour”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2862”]
[BlackElo “2734”]
[ECO “C65”]
[Opening “Ruy Lopez”]
[Variation “Berlin defence”]
[WhiteFideId “1503014”]
[BlackFideId “13400924”]
[EventDate “2015.01.10”]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. d3 Bc5 5. O-O d6 6. Nbd2 O-O 7. Bxc6 bxc6 8.
h3 h6 9. Re1 Re8 10. Nf1 a5 11. Ng3 Rb8 12. b3 Bb4 13. Bd2 Ra8 14. c3 Bc5 15. d4
Bb6 16. dxe5 dxe5 17. c4 Nh7 18. Qe2 Nf8 19. Be3 c5 20. Rad1 Qf6 21. Nh5 Qe7 22.
Nh2 Kh7 23. Qf3 f6 24. Ng4 Bxg4 25. Qxg4 Red8 26. Qf5+ Kh8 27. f4 Rxd1 28. Rxd1
exf4 29. Bxf4 Qe6 30. Rd3 Re8 31. Nxg7 Kxg7 32. Qh5 Nh7 33. Bxh6+ Kh8 34. Qg6
Qg8 35. Bg7+ Qxg7 36. Qxe8+ Qf8 37. Qe6 Qh6 38. e5 Qc1+ 39. Kh2 Qf4+ 40. Rg3 1-0

As I write this, the [Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival]( is well underway and American GM Hikaru Nakamura just matched Carlsen’s performance with a 6-0 opening and garnering 7.5 points to begin the tournament. However, Hikaru’s streak came to an unfortunate end when he drew the 7th round game against GM David Howell:

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.02.02”]
[Round “7.1”]
[White “Howell, David W L”]
[Black “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Result “1/2-1/2”]
[ECO “B52”]
[WhiteElo “2670”]
[BlackElo “2776”]
[PlyCount “136”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Bd7 4. Bxd7+ Nxd7 5. O-O Ngf6 6. Re1 e6 7. c3 Be7 8.
d4 O-O 9. Nbd2 cxd4 10. cxd4 Qb6 11. b3 d5 12. e5 Ne8 13. Nf1 Nc7 14. Ng3 Rac8
15. Re3 Nb5 16. Rd3 Rc6 17. Bg5 Bxg5 18. Nxg5 h6 19. Nh3 Rfc8 20. Nf4 Qd8 21.
a4 Nc3 22. Qf3 Qg5 23. h3 Nf8 24. Kh2 Ng6 25. Nxg6 Qxg6 26. Re3 b5 27. axb5
Nxb5 28. Ne2 Rc2 29. Ra5 Rb8 30. Rd3 Rb2 31. Qe3 Rb6 32. Rd2 Qb1 33. Nc3 Nxc3
34. Qxc3 R6xb3 35. Rxb2 Qxb2 36. Qxb2 Rxb2 37. Kg3 Rb4 38. h4 g6 39. Kg4 Rxd4+
40. f4 f6 41. exf6 Kf7 42. Rxa7+ Kxf6 43. Kf3 Rd3+ 44. Ke2 Rb3 45. Rh7 h5 46.
Rd7 Rb1 47. Rd8 Rh1 48. g3 Kf5 49. Kf3 Rf1+ 50. Ke2 Ra1 51. Rf8+ Kg4 52. Rf6
Kxg3 53. Rxe6 Kxf4 54. Rxg6 Ra3 55. Rg5 Re3+ 56. Kd2 Re5 57. Rg8 Ke4 58. Rh8
Kf3 59. Rg8 Re4 60. Rg5 Rd4+ 61. Kc2 Rxh4 62. Rxd5 Rh1 63. Kb2 h4 64. Rd4 Ke3
65. Rc4 h3 66. Rc3+ Kd4 67. Rg3 Rh2+ 68. Ka1 Rh1+ 1/2-1/2

Nakamura last faced Howell in 2011 at the [3rd London Chess Classic]( where he played with the White pieces and won 1-0 in 38 moves. Nakamura and Howell also faced off in 2009 and 2010 in the London Classic, but both games were draws:

[Event “London Classic”]
[Site “London”]
[Date “2009.12.14”]
[Round “6”]
[White “Howell, David”]
[Black “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Result “1/2-1/2”]
[ECO “C06”]
[WhiteElo “2597”]
[BlackElo “2715”]
[Annotator “Erenburg,S”]
[PlyCount “81”]
[EventDate “2009.12.08”]
[EventType “tourn”]
[EventRounds “7”]
[EventCountry “ENG”]
[EventCategory “18”]
[Source “ChessBase”]
[SourceDate “2010.01.18”]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 Be7 4. Ngf3 Nf6 5. e5 Nfd7 6. Bd3 c5 7. c3 Nc6 8. O-O
g5 9. dxc5 Nxc5 {There is no established doctrine for which of White’s pawn is
more important to eliminate. After the e5-pawn is captured, it is often the
case that White can develop a dangerous initiative via the centre.} ({In a
recent game Black did not equalise after} 9… Ndxe5 10. Nxe5 Nxe5 11. Nb3 Qc7
12. f4 Bxc5+ 13. Nxc5 Qxc5+ 14. Rf2 Nxd3 15. Qxd3 Bd7 16. Be3 Qc4 17. Qxc4 dxc4
18. fxg5 e5 19. Bc5 Rg8 20. h4 $16 {1-0 Mamedov,R (2626)-Bartel,M (2609)/Novi
Sad 2009/CBM 133 (54)}) (9… g4 10. Nd4 Ndxe5 11. Bb5 Bd7 12. N2b3 h5 13. Re1
Nxd4 $2 (13… Ng6 $142 $14) 14. Qxd4 Bxb5 15. Rxe5 Bf6 16. Bg5 $1 Bxg5 17.
Rxg5 $18 {1-0 Fedorchuk,S (2655)-Carron,J (2416)/Zuerich 2009/CBM 131 Extra
(33)}) 10. Bb5 {Not giving up on the central pawn.} (10. Bc2 Nd7 (10… g4 11.
Nd4 Nxe5 12. f4 $1 gxf3 13. N2xf3 Ng6 14. Qe2 f5 15. c4 $1 dxc4 16. Qxc4 Qb6
17. Be3 $44 {0-1 Degraeve,J (2566)-Touzane,O (2347)/France 2004/EXT 2005 (38)})
11. Re1 g4 12. Nd4 Ndxe5 13. Nxc6 Nxc6 14. Qxg4 h5 15. Qd1 (15. Qe2 $5) 15…
e5 16. c4 Bg4 17. f3 $6 (17. Nf3 $142) 17… Be6 18. cxd5 Qxd5 19. Bb3 Qc5+ 20.
Kh1 O-O-O $15 {1/2-1/2 Dzhumaev,M (2529)-Volkov,S (2627)/Tashkent 2009/CBM 129
Extra (76)}) 10… h6 $146 {I don’t know if this move was prepared at home or
found during the game, but its idea is obvious – to strengthen the g5-pawn and
see what White is going to do. Now Black’s queen is no longer tied to the
g5-pawn.} (10… Bd7 11. Bxc6 (11. Qe2 a6 12. Bxc6 Bxc6 (12… bxc6 $5) 13. Nd4
Qd7 14. N2b3 Bb5 15. Nxb5 Qxb5 16. Qxb5+ axb5 17. Nxc5 (17. Nd4 b4 18. cxb4 Nd3
$15) 17… Bxc5 18. Bxg5 $16 {1-0 Parligras,M (2605)-Di Paolo,R (2336)/France
2009/CBM 129 Extra (40)}) (11. Re1 $6 g4 12. Bxc6 bxc6 13. Nd4 Nd3 14. Re3 Nxc1
15. Rxc1 c5 $15) 11… bxc6 12. Qe2 (12. Nd4 Nd3 $1 $13) 12… Qc7 13. c4 a5
14. b3 Qb6 15. Bb2 a4 16. Bd4 h6 $2 (16… g4 $5) 17. Rfb1 axb3 18. Nxb3 Rb8
19. Qe3 dxc4 20. Bxc5 Bxc5 21. Nxc5 $18 {1-0 Rublevsky,S (2672)-Sergeev,V
(2417)/ INT 2004/EXT 2006 (38)}) (10… a6 11. Bxc6+ bxc6
12. Nd4 (12. b4 $1 {it is important to keep c5 under control.} Nd7 13. Nb3 g4
14. Nfd4 Nxe5 15. Bf4 Qc7 16. Bxe5 Qxe5 17. Nxc6 Qf4 18. Nxe7 Kxe7 19. g3 Qg5
20. Qd4 $16 {Smirin-Poldauf, Groningen 1990}) 12… Qc7 13. c4 a5 14. Qh5 Ba6
15. N2b3 O-O-O 16. Bxg5 Nxb3 17. axb3 Bxg5 18. Qxg5 dxc4 19. Qf6 Rhg8 20. Rfd1
Rg6 21. Qf3 Bb7 22. Qe3 Qe7 23. Rxa5 {1/2-1/2 Iuldachev,S (2537)-Reefat,B
(2473)/Dhaka 2005/CBM 105 ext}) (10… Qb6 {Probably the best option. If White
takes, then the merits of the queen move compared to 10…Bd7 or 10…a6 need
no commentary.} 11. Nd4 (11. Qe2 a6 12. Bxc6+ bxc6 {looks Ok for Black.}) 11…
a6 $6 {Black decides to force things on the queenside, but leaving d7 free for
the knight.} ({If my analysis is correct, then the alternative} 11… Bd7 {
should be considered. White could now play as in the game, but then …Bd7
will prove much more useful than …a6. The only “but” to the bishop move is}
12. Nxc6 ({maybe} 12. Bxc6 bxc6 13. b4 Nd3 14. N2b3 $5 {is still possible.})
12… Bxc6 (12… bxc6 13. Be2 {is good for White now. In the game Black would
have …Nd7, and there is no way to protect the e5-pawn.}) 13. Bxc6+ bxc6 14.
b3 {, which looks more comfortable for White yet still complicated.} (14. Qe2
$5)) 12. Bxc6+ (12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. Be2 Nd7) 12… bxc6 13. b4 $1 Nd7 {‘?!’
Postny. After a long think, my opponent decided to retreat his knight. It
seems better to move forward, keeping the option to exchange the c1 bishop off
if necessary, although this is not easy for Black either. Postny: ‘This
passive move is the source for Black’s trouble.’} ({After} 13… Nd3 {an idea
we did not pay too much attention to is} 14. N2b3 $1 (14. Qh5 a5 15. N2f3 Nxc1
16. Rfxc1 h6 17. Rcb1 $14 {is quite possible as well, but less direct.}) (14.
N2f3 Nxc1 15. Rxc1 a5 $13 {The evaluation of this position might be critical
for the whole opening variation.} (15… c5 $6 16. bxc5 Qxc5 17. c4 $36)) {
believing that} 14… Nxe5 (14… Nxc1 15. Rxc1 {is clearly better for White.
Black could still try to break the queenside bind by sacrificing the a-pawn,
but I doubt this will be enough to level the chances.}) 15. Qh5 h6 {was not
clear.} (15… Rg8 16. f4 $1) {But it is here that White has a nice little
combination which gives him the advantage:} 16. Bxg5 $1 Bxg5 17. f4 Ng6 18.
fxg5 {with excellent attacking chances. The exchange of dark-squared bishops
is clearly in White´s favour, whose knights are waiting to land on c5.}) 14.
Qh5 $1 Nxe5 15. N2f3 {White now gets his pawn back in all variations, while
keeping his attacking options.} Ng6 {‘?!’ Postny} (15… Nxf3+ 16. Nxf3 Bf6 {
would not help Black much either:} 17. Be3 Qb7 (17… Qc7 18. Bd4 {and after
the exchange of dark-squared bishops the dark holes in black’s camp will
become extremely vulnerable. Nevertheless, this was a better choice for black.}
) 18. Bd4 Bxd4 19. cxd4 $16 {and the weak dark squares, together with the
king´s exposed position, is more than the black position can tolerate.}) 16.
Bxg5 Bxg5 (16… f6 {fails to} 17. Nh4 $1) 17. Nxg5 $1 {All White needs to do
now is ram forward with his f-pawn.} c5 $2 {The decisive error, but the
position is now very difficult.} (17… a5 18. a3 $16) 18. bxc5 Qxc5 19. f4 $1
Ra7 (19… Qxc3 20. Rad1 Ra7 21. Nxh7 $1 ({amazingly,} 21. f5 exf5 22. Nxh7 Re7
23. Nf6+ Kf8 24. Qg5 Re5 {is not so clear. For example,} 25. Nf3 Qc5+ 26. Kh1
Qe3) 21… Re7 22. Nf6+ Kd8 23. Qg5 $18) ({Another option that fails is} 19…
h6 20. Ngxe6 Bxe6 21. f5 Bxf5 22. Rae1+ $1 {, with a decisive attack.}) 20. Ne4
$1 {This move ends the game. Once the knight reaches f6 the king is going to
feel a bit claustrophobic.} Qc7 ({The problem with} 20… Qe7 {is} 21. Nc6 {,
which attacks the a7-rook -thus preventing …Qh4-, which was not the case one
move earlier.} Qc7 22. Nf6+ Kf8 23. Qh6#) 21. Nf6+ Ke7 $6 (21… Kd8 22. f5
Qxc3 23. Rad1 Ne7 24. Qxf7 $18) 22. f5 Qxc3 23. Rad1 Qe3+ 24. Kh1 Kxf6 25.
fxe6+ $1 Nf4 (25… Kg7 26. Nf5+) (25… Ke7 26. Nf5+) 26. Qf5+ {1-0 Arizmendi
Martinez,J (2504)-Herraiz Hidalgo,H (2471)/Sant Lluis 2005/CBM 109/[Arizmendi]}
) 11. Qe2 Qc7 12. c4 {It makes sense to open up the game when the opponent’s
king is still in the centre. However, it is not easy to evaluate this position:
White has not completed development yet, mostly because of awkward location of
the knight on d2.} (12. Nb3 {deserves attention as well.} Bd7 13. Nxc5 Bxc5
14. Be3 Be7 (14… Bxe3 $2 15. Qxe3 Nxe5 $4 16. Qxe5 Qxe5 17. Bxd7+) 15. Rfe1
$14) 12… Bd7 13. cxd5 exd5 14. Nb3 Ne6 $1 {Of course, Black does not
exchange one of his most active pieces.} (14… g4 {is too risky and
inconsistent with Black’s opening strategy implemented after 10…h6.} 15. Bxc6
bxc6 16. Nfd4 Ne4 17. f3 $36) 15. Rd1 ({Natural} 15. Bd2 {comes into
consideration. If} g4 $5 (15… a6 16. Bxc6 bxc6 17. Nfd4 c5 18. Nxe6 (18. Nf5
Nf4) 18… Bxe6 19. Rac1 Qb6 $13) {, then} 16. Bxc6 Qxc6 $1 17. Nfd4 Qc4 18.
Qe3 $1 (18. Qxg4 $6 h5 19. Qe2 Nxd4 20. Qxc4 Nf3+ $3 21. gxf3 dxc4 $17 {[%cal
Yd7h3]}) 18… Nxd4 19. Qxd4 Qxd4 20. Nxd4 $14) 15… a6 16. Bxc6 bxc6 17. Be3
{[%csl Gc5,Gd4][%cal Ya1c1]} ({The alternative} 17. Nfd4 {seems good:} Nxd4 ({
Now} 17… c5 {is bad, in view of} 18. Nf5 Nf4 19. Qc2 $16) 18. Nxd4 c5 (18…
O-O {makes the engine feel happy, but not the human being.} 19. e6 $36) 19. e6
Bc8 20. exf7+ Kxf7 21. Qf3+ $36) 17… g4 {It is the right time! Otherwise,
White would simply take control over the dark squares.} 18. Nfd4 Qxe5 19. Qxg4
h5 (19… Nxd4 {did not promise equality:} 20. Qxd4 Qxd4 21. Bxd4 {and White
is slightly better thanks to the domination over the dark squares.}) 20. Qg3 $5
{Giving up on ambitions to win the game, whereas, after} (20. Qf3 $1 {I
haven’t found a clear way for Black to equalise.} Bd6 (20… Rg8 21. Re1 $14) (
20… Ng5 $2 21. Bxg5 Qxg5 22. Rac1 $16) 21. g3 O-O (21… h4 $2 22. Bf4 $1 {
[%cal Yd1e1]} Nxd4 23. Nxd4 Qf6 24. Re1+ Kf8 25. Ne6+ $1 $18) 22. Re1 $14)
20… Qxg3 21. hxg3 h4 22. gxh4 Rxh4 $11 {The position which has arisen is
simply equal: there are not enough resources for either side to make any
progress.} 23. Rac1 Rc8 24. Nf5 Ra4 25. Nxe7 Kxe7 26. a3 Rb8 27. Nc5 Nxc5 28.
Bxc5+ Kd8 29. Rd4 Rxd4 30. Bxd4 Rb3 31. Kf1 Ke7 32. Rc3 Rxc3 33. Bxc3 c5 34. b4
Kd6 35. bxc5+ Kxc5 36. Ke2 Kc4 37. Bb4 d4 38. Kd2 f5 39. f3 Bc8 40. Bd6 a5 41.
Bc7 1/2-1/2

[Event “London Classic 2nd”]
[Site “London”]
[Date “2010.12.10”]
[Round “3”]
[White “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Black “Howell, David”]
[Result “1/2-1/2”]
[ECO “D72”]
[WhiteElo “2741”]
[BlackElo “2611”]
[Annotator “Krasenkow,M”]
[PlyCount “83”]
[EventDate “2010.12.06”]
[EventType “tourn”]
[EventRounds “7”]
[EventCountry “ENG”]
[EventCategory “19”]
[Source “ChessBase”]
[SourceDate “2011.01.18”]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Bg7 4. Bg2 d5 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. e4 Nb6 7. Ne2 O-O 8. O-O
c5 9. d5 e6 10. Nec3 Na6 11. a4 Nb4 {This move was introduced by Kasparov in
his blitz match vs. Karpov. The present game is its maiden test at the
“serious” level.} (11… exd5 12. exd5 Bf5 {is usually played here; however,
White has an interesting possibility:} 13. g4 $5 (13. Na3 Nb4 {is the main
line, quite satisfactory for Black}) 13… Bd7 14. Nd2 $1 f5 (14… Qh4 15. h3
f5 16. Nf3 Qd8 17. Ng5 fxg4 18. Ne6 $1 Bxe6 19. dxe6 Qxd1 20. Rxd1 Rae8 21. a5
$16 {1-0 Jirka,J (2202)-Bernasek,J (2164)/Chudenice 2000/EXT 2003 (40)}) 15. a5
Nc8 16. Nc4 $1 fxg4 17. Be3 (17. Ne4 $143 Bb5 18. Bg5 Qd7 19. Rc1 Bxc4 20. Rxc4
Nd6 21. Nxd6 Qxd6 22. Re4 Rae8 $13 {1/2 Chiburdanidze,M (2525)-Krupkova,P
(2315)/Elista 1998/CBM 066 ext (44)}) (17. d6 $5) 17… Qh4 (17… Rb8 $5) 18.
d6 Rb8 19. Qd5+ Kh8 20. Ne5 Bc6 21. Nxc6 bxc6 22. Qe6 $16 {1-0 Bukal,V (2390)
-Fercec,N (2491)/Rijeka CRO 2010/The Week in Chess 837 (44)}) 12. Be3 (12. Na3
exd5 13. exd5 Bf5 {transposes into the 11…exd5 line, Black having avoided
the dangerous 13.g4 – see above.}) 12… Bd4 13. Bxd4 cxd4 14. Na2 (14. Nb5 $5
exd5 (14… e5 15. a5 Bd7 16. N1a3 Nc8 {0-1 Karpov,A (2619)-Carlsen,M (2801)/
Moscow 2009/EXT 2010 (32)} (16… Nc4 $5 $14) 17. Qb3 $16) 15. a5 Nc4 16. exd5
Bd7 17. N5a3 Qxa5 18. Qxd4 Nd6 19. Nd2 Qb6 20. Qxb6 axb6 21. Ndc4 Nxc4 22. Nxc4
$14 {1/2 Karpov,A (2619)-Kasparov,G (2812)/Valencia 2009/CBM 132 Extra (25)})
14… Nxa2 15. Rxa2 e5 {Black has no better option. The resulting position is
rather favorable for White due to the poor position of the black pieces,
especially the b6 knight.} (15… exd5 16. a5 $1 Nd7 17. exd5 $16 {[%csl Rd4]})
16. b3 $1 $146 {[%csl Rb6]} (16. Nd2 $143 {[%csl Ra2]} a5 17. Qb3 Qd6 18. f4 f6
19. fxe5 fxe5 20. Rxf8+ Kxf8 21. Nf3 Nd7 $11 {0-1 Karpov,A (2619)-Kasparov,G
(2812)/Valencia 2009/CBM 132 Extra (36)}) 16… Bd7 17. f4 f6 18. Raf2 Qe7 19.
a5 Nc8 20. fxe5 Qxe5 $14 {[%csl Rd4] A typical picture: White has transformed
his temporary advantage into a permanent plus, however, far from a decisive
one.} 21. Nd2 Nd6 {[%csl Gd6]} 22. Nf3 $1 (22. Re1 {[%cal Rd2f3]} d3 $1 23. Nc4
Nxc4 24. bxc4 Qc3 $11) 22… Qxe4 23. Re2 (23. Nxd4 Qe3 $1 24. Re1 Qc3 {, and
Black should hold on due to his blockading d6 knight.}) 23… Qxd5 24. Ne5 Qxe5
(24… Qb5 25. Nxd7 Qxd7 26. Qxd4 {is clearly better for White due to his
strong bishop.}) 25. Rxe5 fxe5 {Materially Black is OK but his pawns are quite
weak so White keeps up the pressure.} 26. Bd5+ $6 (26. a6 $5 Bc6 27. Bxc6 bxc6
28. Qc2 {may give White some more winning chances.}) 26… Kg7 27. a6 Bc6 28.
Rxf8 Rxf8 29. Qe1 {looks attractive but Black sets up an unassailable fortress.
} Bxd5 30. Qxe5+ Rf6 31. Qxd5 bxa6 32. Qxd4 h5 33. Qxa7+ Nf7 34. h4 Kg8 35. Qe7
Kg7 36. b4 Rf5 37. Qc7 Rf6 38. Kg2 Kg8 39. Qc8+ Kg7 40. Qc7 Kg8 41. Qc8+ Kg7
42. Qc7 {In conclusion: 11…Nb4 doesn’t guarantee Black equal chances.}

[Event “London Classic 3rd”]
[Site “London”]
[Date “2011.12.08”]
[Round “5”]
[White “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Black “Howell, David”]
[Result “1-0”]
[ECO “A29”]
[WhiteElo “2758”]
[BlackElo “2633”]
[Annotator “RR”]
[PlyCount “75”]
[EventDate “2011.12.03”]
[EventType “tourn”]
[EventRounds “9”]
[EventCountry “ENG”]
[EventCategory “20”]
[Source “ChessBase”]
[SourceDate “2012.01.18”]

1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. g3 Bb4 4. Nf3 Bxc3 5. bxc3 Nc6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Re8 8.
d3 e4 9. Nd4 exd3 10. exd3 Nxd4 11. cxd4 d5 12. Be3 h6 13. h3 b6 14. Rc1 Qd7
15. Bf4 Bb7 16. Be5 Nh7 17. c5 Rac8 18. h4 Nf8 19. Kh2 bxc5 20. Bh3 Ne6 21.
Rxc5 f6 22. Bf4 Qd8 23. Ra5 c5 24. Rxa7 Qb6 25. Ra4 Nxd4 26. Qh5 Qc6 $2 (26…
f5 27. Be3 g6 $11) 27. Rb1 Ra8 $2 (27… Ba6 28. Bxc8 Bxc8) 28. Rxa8 $18 Rxa8
29. Bg2 (29. Re1 Kf8 30. Bxh6 $1) 29… Ne6 $2 (29… f5 30. Be5 Rf8) 30. Rxb7
$1 $18 Qxb7 31. Bxd5 Qc8 32. Bxh6 Ra6 33. Be3 Rd6 34. Bxc5 $5 Rxd5 35. Qxd5 Kf7
36. Be3 Qa6 37. Qc4 Qa8 38. d4 1-0


Nakamura’s greatest threat to US Chess domination.

With Caruana, Carlsen, and Nakamura all performing amazing feats of chess in recent months I think that 2015 is going to be one of the most exciting years for chess! The battle for #1 player in the United States continues with Nakamura de-throning GM Wesley So due to his earning a 2795 live rating in the Gibraltar Chess Festival. Nakamura currently holds a one point lead over Howell going into the 9th round. Nakamura will face GM Axel Bachmann of England tomorrow at 8:00 AM CST with live game coverage on []( and [Chessbomb](

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.01.27”]
[Round “1.2”]
[White “Vojinovic, Jovana”]
[Black “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Result “0-1”]
[WhiteTitle “WGM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2301”]
[BlackElo “2776”]
[ECO “A80”]
[Opening “Dutch, 2.Bg5 variation”]
[WhiteFideId “937266”]
[BlackFideId “2016192”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. d4 f5 2. Bg5 c6 3. e3 Qb6 4. Nd2 Qxb2 5. Rb1 Qc3 6. g4 Qa5 7. gxf5 Qxf5 8. h4
Qa5 9. Nh3 g6 10. Bd3 d6 11. Qf3 Nd7 12. h5 Ndf6 13. hxg6 hxg6 14. Bxg6+ Kd8 15.
Bf4 Kc7 16. Ng5 Rxh1+ 17. Qxh1 Bh6 18. Qh4 Bd7 19. Bd3 Nd5 20. Ne6+ Bxe6 21.
Bxh6 Nc3 22. Ra1 Qb4 23. Kf1 Nxa2 24. Rd1 Nc3 25. Re1 Nxh6 26. Qxh6 Bd7 27. f3
a5 28. Kf2 a4 29. Qg5 Rh8 30. Qg3 Nd5 31. Rd1 c5 32. Bc4 Nc3 33. Re1 b5 0-1

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.01.28”]
[Round “2.2”]
[White “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Black “Harika, Dronavalli”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2776”]
[BlackElo “2496”]
[ECO “A15”]
[Opening “English opening”]
[WhiteFideId “2016192”]
[BlackFideId “5015197”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. b3 d5 4. Bb2 Be7 5. e3 O-O 6. d4 b6 7. Bd3 Bb7 8. O-O c5
9. Nbd2 Nc6 10. Rc1 Rc8 11. a3 Re8 12. Re1 Bf8 13. dxc5 bxc5 14. cxd5 exd5 15.
Qc2 h6 16. Qb1 Nd7 17. Bh7+ Kh8 18. Bf5 Rb8 19. Qa1 Qe7 20. b4 cxb4 21. axb4 a6
22. Nb3 Nde5 23. Nxe5 Nxe5 24. Nc5 Nf3+ 25. gxf3 Qg5+ 26. Bg4 h5 27. Nxb7 Rxb7
28. Qxa6 hxg4 29. f4 Qe7 30. b5 Qd7 31. b6 Bb4 32. Red1 Re6 33. Bd4 Rh6 34. Qa8+
Kh7 35. Rc8 Kg6 36. Rg8 Rh7 37. Qc8 Qe7 38. Qxg4+ 1-0

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.01.29”]
[Round “3.1”]
[White “Nabaty, Tamir”]
[Black “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Result “0-1”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2579”]
[BlackElo “2776”]
[ECO “B22”]
[Opening “Sicilian”]
[Variation “Alapin’s variation (2.c3)”]
[WhiteFideId “2809052”]
[BlackFideId “2016192”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 4. d4 Nc6 5. Nf3 e6 6. Be3 cxd4 7. cxd4 Nf6 8.
Nc3 Qd8 9. Bd3 Be7 10. O-O O-O 11. Rc1 Nb4 12. Bb1 b6 13. Bg5 Bb7 14. Ne5 Rc8
15. Re1 Nfd5 16. Qh5 f5 17. Bd2 Nc6 18. Nxc6 Rxc6 19. a3 Nxc3 20. Bxc3 Qd5 21.
Qf3 Qxf3 22. gxf3 Rf6 23. Bd3 Rc7 24. d5 Rg6+ 25. Kf1 Rd7 26. Be5 Rxd5 27. Rc7
Rxe5 28. Rxe5 Bd6 29. Rxb7 Bxe5 30. h3 Rh6 31. Kg2 Bxb2 32. Rxa7 Kf8 33. a4 Rh4
34. a5 bxa5 35. Rxa5 Rd4 36. Be2 Kf7 37. Ra2 Rb4 38. Ra7+ Kf6 39. Rc7 Rb6 40.
Rc2 Kg5 41. Rc4 Rd6 42. Ra4 Rd2 43. f4+ Kf6 44. Bc4 Rd4 45. Bb5 Rd5 46. Bc4 Rc5
47. Kf3 g6 48. Ke2 Bc1 49. Bd3 Rd5 50. Rc4 Ba3 51. Rc6 Bd6 52. Rc4 Ra5 53. Ke3
Ra3 54. Ke2 Ke7 55. Ke3 Kf6 56. Ke2 Bb8 57. f3 Ra1 58. Kf2 Ba7+ 0-1

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.01.30”]
[Round “4.1”]
[White “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Black “Grandelius, Nils”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2776”]
[BlackElo “2602”]
[ECO “A22”]
[Opening “English”]
[Variation “Carls’ Bremen system”]
[WhiteFideId “2016192”]
[BlackFideId “1710400”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e5 3. g3 Nc6 4. Bg2 Bc5 5. a3 a6 6. e3 Ba7 7. Nge2 d6 8. b4 O-O
9. d3 Ne7 10. O-O c6 11. h3 Be6 12. Bb2 Qd7 13. Kh2 Ng6 14. Qd2 d5 15. c5 Rae8
16. Na4 Qe7 17. Rae1 e4 18. Bxf6 Qxf6 19. dxe4 dxe4 20. Nac3 Bf5 21. Nd4 Bb8 22.
Qc2 Nh4 23. Bxe4 Rxe4 24. Nxe4 Qg6 25. Nxf5 Nf3+ 26. Kg2 Nxe1+ 27. Rxe1 Qxf5 28.
Rd1 h5 29. Qc4 Qe5 30. h4 Qe7 31. Ng5 Re8 32. Rd4 g6 33. Qd3 Qf8 34. Rd7 Re7 35.
f4 1-0

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.01.31”]
[Round “5.1”]
[White “Adhiban, Baskaran”]
[Black “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Result “0-1”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2630”]
[BlackElo “2776”]
[ECO “D20”]
[Opening “QGA”]
[Variation “3.e4”]
[WhiteFideId “5018471”]
[BlackFideId “2016192”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. e4 b5 4. a4 c6 5. Nc3 a6 6. axb5 cxb5 7. Nxb5 axb5 8.
Rxa8 Bb7 9. Ra1 e6 10. Ne2 Bxe4 11. b3 Nc6 12. Nc3 Bb4 13. Bd2 Bxc3 14. Bxc3 b4
15. d5 bxc3 16. dxc6 Qxd1+ 17. Kxd1 cxb3 18. c7 Kd7 19. Ra3 b2 20. c8=Q+ Kxc8
21. Rxc3+ Kd7 22. Bd3 b1=Q+ 23. Bxb1 Bxb1 24. Rb3 Be4 25. Rb8 g5 26. Ke2 Ke7 27.
h4 gxh4 28. Rxh4 Bc6 29. Rc4 Be8 30. Rc7+ Kd6 31. Ra7 Ne7 32. Rd8+ Ke5 33. Rb7
Kf6 34. Rdb8 Ng6 35. Rb6 h5 36. f3 Ba4 37. Rxh8 Nxh8 38. Ke3 Ng6 39. Ra6 Bb3 40.
Ra5 Bd5 41. Ra7 e5 42. Ra5 Be6 43. Rb5 h4 44. Rb1 Kg5 45. Rb5 f6 46. Rb7 Nf4 47.
Kf2 Nh5 48. Rb6 Bf5 49. Rb8 Bg6 50. Rb4 Nf4 51. Ra4 Bf7 52. Ra7 Kg6 53. Ra1 Bd5
54. Rd1 Kg5 55. Rd2 f5 0-1

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.02.01”]
[Round “6.1”]
[White “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Black “Topalov, Veselin”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2776”]
[BlackElo “2800”]
[ECO “B51”]
[Opening “Sicilian”]
[Variation “Canal-Sokolsky (Nimzovich-Rossolimo, Moscow) attack”]
[WhiteFideId “2016192”]
[BlackFideId “2900084”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nd7 4. a4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e6 6. d4 cxd4 7. Qxd4 a6 8. Be2
b6 9. O-O Bb7 10. Rd1 Qc7 11. Bg5 Be7 12. Nd2 h6 13. Bh4 Ne5 14. Nf1 Rd8 15. Bg3
O-O 16. Ne3 Rc8 17. Kh1 Rfd8 18. f3 Nh5 19. Bf2 Nf4 20. Bf1 Nfg6 21. Qd2 Bg5 22.
Qe1 Nf4 23. Bg3 Nh5 24. Bf2 Qe7 25. Ra3 Nf4 26. Rb3 Rc6 27. Ne2 Nxe2 28. Bxe2
Rdc8 29. c3 Nd7 30. Nc2 d5 31. Nb4 Rc5 32. exd5 Ra5 33. Nc6 Bxc6 34. dxc6 Rxc6
35. Rb4 Bf6 36. Qf1 Rd6 37. Rxd6 Qxd6 38. Bxa6 Nc5 39. Bb5 Qd2 40. Bg1 Ra8 41.
Bc6 Rc8 42. Rxb6 Bd8 43. Rb5 Rxc6 44. Bxc5 Bc7 45. a5 Qc2 46. f4 f6 47. h3 Kh7
48. f5 exf5 49. Bg1 Be5 50. a6 1-0

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.02.02”]
[Round “7.1”]
[White “Howell, David W L”]
[Black “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Result “1/2-1/2”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2670”]
[BlackElo “2776”]
[ECO “B52”]
[Opening “Sicilian”]
[Variation “Canal-Sokolsky attack, 3…Bd7”]
[WhiteFideId “410608”]
[BlackFideId “2016192”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Bd7 4. Bxd7+ Nxd7 5. O-O Ngf6 6. Re1 e6 7. c3 Be7 8.
d4 O-O 9. Nbd2 cxd4 10. cxd4 Qb6 11. b3 d5 12. e5 Ne8 13. Nf1 Nc7 14. Ng3 Rac8
15. Re3 Nb5 16. Rd3 Rc6 17. Bg5 Bxg5 18. Nxg5 h6 19. Nh3 Rfc8 20. Nf4 Qd8 21. a4
Nc3 22. Qf3 Qg5 23. h3 Nf8 24. Kh2 Ng6 25. Nxg6 Qxg6 26. Re3 b5 27. axb5 Nxb5
28. Ne2 Rc2 29. Ra5 Rb8 30. Rd3 Rb2 31. Qe3 Rb6 32. Rd2 Qb1 33. Nc3 Nxc3 34.
Qxc3 R6xb3 35. Rxb2 Qxb2 36. Qxb2 Rxb2 37. Kg3 Rb4 38. h4 g6 39. Kg4 Rxd4+ 40.
f4 f6 41. exf6 Kf7 42. Rxa7+ Kxf6 43. Kf3 Rd3+ 44. Ke2 Rb3 45. Rh7 h5 46. Rd7
Rb1 47. Rd8 Rh1 48. g3 Kf5 49. Kf3 Rf1+ 50. Ke2 Ra1 51. Rf8+ Kg4 52. Rf6 Kxg3
53. Rxe6 Kxf4 54. Rxg6 Ra3 55. Rg5 Re3+ 56. Kd2 Re5 57. Rg8 Ke4 58. Rh8 Kf3 59.
Rg8 Re4 60. Rg5 Rd4+ 61. Kc2 Rxh4 62. Rxd5 Rh1 63. Kb2 h4 64. Rd4 Ke3 65. Rc4 h3
66. Rc3+ Kd4 67. Rg3 Rh2+ 68. Ka1 Rh1+ 1/2-1/2

[Event “Gibraltar Masters 2015”]
[Site “Caleta ENG”]
[Date “2015.02.03”]
[Round “8.1”]
[White “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Black “Yu, Yangyi”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteTitle “GM”]
[BlackTitle “GM”]
[WhiteElo “2776”]
[BlackElo “2724”]
[ECO “B22”]
[Opening “Sicilian”]
[Variation “Alapin’s variation (2.c3)”]
[WhiteFideId “2016192”]
[BlackFideId “8603820”]
[EventDate “2015.01.27”]

1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 4. Na3 Nf6 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. Bc4 Qd8 7. O-O a6 8. Nc2
Bg4 9. d4 e6 10. h3 Bxf3 11. Qxf3 Rc8 12. Rd1 cxd4 13. Bb3 Qc7 14. Nxd4 Nxd4 15.
cxd4 Bd6 16. Bg5 Ke7 17. Re1 h6 18. Bxf6+ gxf6 19. Re3 h5 20. Rae1 Qd7 21. Qe4
Kf8 22. d5 e5 23. Rf3 Kg7 24. Bc2 h4 25. Rf5 Rh6 26. Bd3 Qc7 27. Qg4+ Kf8 28.
Rf3 Qc5 29. Bxa6 Rg6 30. Qf5 Kg7 31. Bd3 Qb4 32. Rfe3 Rc5 33. Qd7 Rc7 34. Qd8
Rg5 35. Re4 Qd2 36. Bf1 Qxd5 37. Rxh4 Kg6 38. g4 f5 39. Qg8+ 1-0