What is Your Chess Personality?

Personality quizzes are typically the last thing that I do while surfing Facebook. It was fun at first to see what Zodiac sign I really belonged to or which Walking Dead character I am most like. However, it seems these days that there are personality quizzes on Facebook for just about anything. It was only a matter of time before somebody created a [chess personality quiz]( http://www.chess.com/article/view/whats-your-chess-personality) and we have the hive mind over at [Chess.com](http://www.chess.com) to thank for this one. According to the quiz my personality is [Chess Champion]( http://www.chesspersonality.com/type/champion) and my wife is a [Chess Prodigy]( http://www.chesspersonality.com/type/prodigy) although I know of no prodigies out there that start their games with 1.a3??. Yet, I love her still.