Digesting My First-Ever GM Simul Game

March has been an incredibly groundbreaking month for me in chess. I started playing in my first ever OTB tournament and had a rare opportunity to participate in a simul (multi-game) event at a local high school this past weekend against Grandmaster [Boris Avrukh](http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessplayer?pid=18270), who was the U19 Champion in the United States in 1990 and has worked with some of the world’s greatest players.


Some refused to go quietly. (Credit: Campfire Chess)

Additionally, he is the author of [several books](http://www.amazon.com/Boris-Avrukh/e/B009AKC6DU/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1457928561&sr=8-2) on 1.d4 and the Gruenfeld Defense. Boris played a simul against 15 people at Saint Anthony Catholic High School in San Antonio over the weekend as part of a public lecture and simul series. After the conclusion of the simul, the Grandmaster stayed behind to talk with the players and present three instructive games from the event and one historical game to illustrate the concept of [prophylactic thinking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prophylaxis_(chess)).


Think like a Grandmaster. (Credit: Campfire Chess)

I attended the simul fueled on the adrenaline and excitement of getting to play against a true chess master in a real life simul! These are the events I have dreamed about for years and to have it finally come true was an amazing treat. There is much in my game for me to explore, but here is the initial analysis with Deep Fritz 14 and my own analysis/commentary.

Overall I am happy with the result. I never had an expectation of winning. The pure experience of the moment was what I was going for and it certainly paid off. Looking forward to the next time!

Thanks to Grandmaster Boris Avrukh for taking time to stop by the Alamo City and play chess with fans and for sharing your deep insight into the game with us!
