Whew! This place is *dusty*! There are spider webs all over the place and it is obvious that the power went out at some point on this website because there is a funky green mold growing in… Oh, nevermind. Greetings, Campers! Welcome back to *Campfire Chess*, an amateur chess blog that has seen better days. Seriously.
So, today you might have noticed (or not) the first official blog post since May 2018 and the first significant visual upgrades since 2017. Well, I decided to re-open the site’s core this morning and I was shocked to see how neglected it had become. At one point, *Campfire Chess* was my crowning (pun intended) achievement! It was heartbreaking to see how much the challenges of the past year had allowed it to decay.
Fear not, however! I have cleaned out the dirt, busted the spider webs, and made some minor upgrades to the site’s visuals and operational elements. It is my *hope* over the next few months to get back to regular chess blogging. Before I do that, I have to get back to regular chess *playing*, which is something sorely lacking for me these days.
I am working on that! I promise! In the meantime, continue to check back here for new content or follow *Campfire Chess* on any of its social media platforms using the navigation menu above.
See you on the board!