Game Analysis – Chipping Away

I’ve lost quite a few disappointing games in the past couple of weeks, so this was a welcome and refreshing victory that gave me insight into some common problems I’ve been having. Given its (albeit brief) instructional value for myself, I felt it was worth a surface analysis and commentary. I hope you enjoy!

[pgn] [Event “Let’s Play!”] [Site “”] [Date “2021.07.22”] [Round “-“] [White “CMDRExorcist”] [Black “Internet Opponent”] [Result “1-0”] [CurrentPosition “3rrk2/5Qpp/p6q/1p6/4PP2/1B6/PP4PP/R4RK1 b – – 0 21”] [Timezone “UTC”] [ECO “C60”] [ECOUrl “”] [UTCDate “2021.07.22”] [UTCTime “01:29:47”] [WhiteElo “1024”] [BlackElo “1080”] [TimeControl “1/86400”] [Termination “CMDRExorcist won by checkmate”] [StartTime “01:29:47”] [EndDate “2021.07.26”] [EndTime “01:51:26”] [Link “”] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Qf6 4. O-O a6 5. Ba4 Nh6? {Not sure what the plan here was, but Black’s strange Queen placement prevented the typical 5…Nf6.} 6. Nc3 Bc5 7. Nd5! {Going straight for the heart of Black’s defenses.} 7… Qd6 {The expected response. Nxc7 was never really an option in this position.} 8. c3 b5 9. Bb3 O-O 10. d4 {I ran this move through my head for quite a while to make sure that a complete exchange between us would at least come out even. If Black chooses each exchange, it would. However, my opponent had other ideas.} 10… exd4 11. cxd4 Bb6!? {Black decides against the full piece exchange and places his Bishop in an inferior and cramped position.} 12. Nxb6? {Certainly not the best move, but I was determined to eliminate the Bishop and double up Black’s pawns if possible.} (12. e5! Qg6 13. Nf4 Qg4 {would have put more pressure on my opponent’s Queen and a stronger position for me.}) 12… Rb8? 13. Nxc8!? {A good move at the time, but in retrospect 13.Nd5 was probably a better option.} 13… Rbxc8 14. Bxh6!? {My intention was to force Black to break his Kingside wall, but I completely missed the Qxh6 response that followed. I got the piece exchange, but not the breakthrough I was looking for.} 14… Qxh6 15. Ne5 Nxe5 16. dxe5 d6 17. f4 Rcd8 18. Qd5 {A tricky position. Any misstep could cost me the advances I had made so far.} 18… dxe5 19. Qxe5 {At the time, this didn’t seem like much more than gobbling up a pawn, but it would come in handy shortly.} 19… Rfe8 {This move surprised me as offering a Queen trade (at least) was a better option than breaking the King’s protection in this position.} (19… Qb6+ 20. Kh1 Rfe8 {was a better line for Black.}) 20. Qxc7 {Gobbling up the pawn with a threat of invading Black’s position on f7.} 20… Kf8?? {A devastating blunder that immediately ended the game.} 21. Qxf7# 1-0 [/pgn]