Tag: Astronomy

  • Feeling Nostalgic about nightShifted Astronomy

    Feeling Nostalgic about nightShifted Astronomy

    Starting this blog back in 2014 was not the first time I had journeyed into the world of blogging. In 2006 I started a nonprofit astronomy education blog and outreach program called *nightShifted Astronomy* that ran successfully from 2006-2014 when I retired the website and decided to focus my attention on chess. The featured image on this post was the header image for the blog for over half of the eight years that *nightShifted Astronomy* existed.

    A few days ago I was browsing through some archived design files and found the Photoshop PSD files for the header image and wondered if there was any trace of *nightShifted Astronomy* out there after all of these years. Imagine my surprise when I found out that my pride and joy for all that time remains in some places forever immortalized!

    The archived edition I was able to recover includes a cool mini-press release for when I was asked to write astronomy and philosophy articles for a metaphysical magazine. Although the publication did not last very long, it was an exceptional experience.

    Click [here](http://www.campfirechess.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/nightshifted.png) to view the full-sized archive (6 MB).