Tag: Wesley So

  • Leader Standings Challenged in Superbet Round 5

    Leader Standings Challenged in Superbet Round 5

    GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov of Azerbaijan is quickly gaining ground on GMs Alexander Grischuk and Wesley So going into the fifth round of the Superbet Chess Classic in Bucharest with a score of 7.5 to So’s 8 and Grischuk’s 7.75.

    [table id=1 /]

    After getting off to a sleepy start, the games have started to get more interesting as well. It’s obvious that Anish Giri’s loss the other day affected him severely as he’s fallen to 8th place in the standings with a score of 5. Mamedyarov’s game and performance from Round 4 has certainly been of interest given his quick rise and challenge to the tournament’s current leaders.

    [pgn initialHalfMove=65] [Event “Superbet Classic 2021”] [Site “Bucharest ROU”] [Date “2021.06.09”] [Round “5.3”] [White “Lupulescu, Constantin”] [Black “Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar”] [Result “0-1”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2656”] [BlackElo “2770”] [ECO “A06”] [Opening “Reti opening”] [WhiteFideId “1207822”] [BlackFideId “13401319”] [EventDate “2021.06.05”] 1. Nf3 d5 2. e3 e6 3. c4 Be7 4. b3 Bf6 5. Nc3 Ne7 6. Bb2 c5 7. Qc2 Nbc6 8. Na4 b6 9. Bxf6 gxf6 10. cxd5 Qxd5 11. Nc3 Qh5 12. Ne4 Qg6 13. Nh4 Qh6 14. Nd6+ Kf8 15. Nxc8 Rxc8 16. g3 Rd8 17. Be2 Kg7 18. a3 Rd6 19. f4 Rhd8 20. Rd1 f5 21. Nf3 Nd5 22. O-O Kg8 23. Rb1 a5 24. Bb5 Nce7 25. Rfd1 Nf6 26. Bf1 Ng4 27. h3 Nf6 28. d3 Nc6 29. Re1 Qg7 30. Qf2 Kh8 31. Kh2 Rg8 32. Be2 Nd5 33. Bf1 e5 34. fxe5 Rg6 35. Nh4 Rxg3 36. d4 Qg5 37. Ng2 cxd4 38. exd4 Nxd4 0-1 [/pgn]

    Today was a rest day for the players, but tomorrow we get back to business as So and Grischuk work to maintain their leads. But…in chess, like life, anything can happen. You can read more in-depth analysis on Chess.com or The Week in Chess.

  • Carlsen Wins the FTX Crypto Cup

    Carlsen Wins the FTX Crypto Cup

    After struggling a bit in the early rounds, Magnus Carlsen has emerged victorious in the FTX Crypto Cup online tournament. Overall, it was an exciting tournament to follow with many twists and turns. The initial round was filled with close scores and a large number of ties among the players. This eventually whittled down to four players who faced each other over the last two days for a share of the tournament prize. Wesley So battled it out against Magnus in a series of rapid events which ended in a tie between the players. This prompted a blitz playoff that was filled with some interesting and nail biting moments.

    [pgn] [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.21”] [White “Carlsen, Magnus”] [Black “So, Wesley”] [Result “1-0”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2847”] [BlackElo “2770”] [ECO “D40”] [Opening “QGD”] [Variation “Semi-Tarrasch defence”] [WhiteFideId “1503014”] [BlackFideId “5202213”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 c5 5. e3 dxc4 6. Bxc4 a6 7. O-O b5 8. Be2 Bb7 9. dxc5 Bxc5 10. Qxd8+ Kxd8 11. Nd2 Ke7 12. Nb3 Nbd7 13. Rd1 Bb6 14. a4 b4 15. a5 Ba7 16. Na4 Bd5 17. Nd4 Rhb8 18. Bd2 Nc5 19. Nxc5 Bxc5 20. Rac1 Bxd4 21. exd4 Kd7 22. Bf4 Rb7 23. h4 Bb3 24. Rd3 Ba4 25. Be5 Bb5 26. Bf3 Nd5 27. Bxd5 exd5 28. Rg3 g6 29. Rc5 Bc6 30. Rf3 f5 31. h5 Rb5 32. Rc1 Re8 33. hxg6 hxg6 34. Rh3 Re6 35. Rh7+ Kd8 36. b3 g5 37. Bc7+ Ke8 38. Bb6 f4 39. Rg7 1-0 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.21”] [White “Nepomniachtchi, Ian”] [Black “Radjabov, Teimour”] [Result “1-0”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2792”] [BlackElo “2765”] [ECO “A01”] [Opening “Nimzovich-Larsen attack”] [Variation “symmetrical variation”] [WhiteFideId “4168119”] [BlackFideId “13400924”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. b3 b6 2. e4 Bb7 3. Nc3 g6 4. Bb2 Bg7 5. d4 e6 6. h4 h6 7. Nge2 d6 8. Qd2 Nd7 9. O-O-O Ne7 10. Kb1 a6 11. h5 g5 12. g3 b5 13. Bg2 b4 14. Na4 a5 15. f4 Nc8 16. d5 Bxb2 17. Nxb2 e5 18. Bh3 Ncb6 19. Nd3 Qe7 20. fxe5 dxe5 21. Rhf1 O-O 22. Bxd7 Nxd7 23. g4 Bc8 24. Ng3 Nc5 25. Nxc5 Qxc5 26. Rf6 Kg7 27. Rdf1 a4 28. Rc6 Qa7 29. Qf2 Qxf2 30. Rxf2 Ra7 31. Nf5+ Bxf5 32. Rxf5 f6 33. bxa4 Rf7 34. Rc4 Rxa4 35. Rf3 Ra3 36. Rb3 1-0 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.22”] [White “So, Wesley”] [Black “Carlsen, Magnus”] [Result “1-0”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2770”] [BlackElo “2847”] [ECO “B30”] [Opening “Sicilian”] [Variation “Nimzovich-Rossolimo attack (without …d6)”] [WhiteFideId “5202213”] [BlackFideId “1503014”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 e5 4. O-O Bd6 5. c3 a6 6. Ba4 b5 7. Bb3 Nge7 8. d4 c4 9. Bc2 Ng6 10. dxe5 Be7 11. Nd4 Ngxe5 12. f4 Ng6 13. Nxc6 dxc6 14. Qh5 Qb6+ 15. Kh1 Qc5 16. Qf3 O-O 17. Be3 Qd6 18. Qh5 c5 19. Nd2 Bb7 20. e5 Qc7 21. Nf3 h6 22. Rae1 Qc6 23. e6 Nh4 24. exf7+ Rxf7 25. Qxf7+ Kxf7 26. Ne5+ Kf8 27. Nxc6 Bxc6 28. Re2 Re8 29. Bc1 Rc8 30. Kg1 Bf6 31. f5 b4 32. Bd2 Rd8 33. Be1 b3 34. axb3 cxb3 35. Bxb3 Bb5 36. c4 Bc6 37. Rf4 Rd4 38. Rxd4 Bxd4+ 39. Bf2 Nxf5 40. Bc2 1-0 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.22”] [White “Radjabov, Teimour”] [Black “Nepomniachtchi, Ian”] [Result “1-0”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2765”] [BlackElo “2792”] [ECO “B08”] [Opening “Pirc”] [Variation “classical system, 5.Be2”] [WhiteFideId “13400924”] [BlackFideId “4168119”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. Nf3 g6 2. e4 d6 3. d4 Nf6 4. Nc3 Bg7 5. Be2 a6 6. a4 O-O 7. O-O Nc6 8. Be3 Bg4 9. h3 Bxf3 10. Bxf3 Nd7 11. Ne2 Na5 12. c3 Nc4 13. Bc1 c5 14. b3 Na5 15. Be3 cxd4 16. cxd4 Qb6 17. Rb1 Rac8 18. Qd2 Qd8 19. d5 Nc5 20. Qd1 Nd7 21. Bg4 b5 22. axb5 axb5 23. Qd2 Ra8 24. Nd4 Nc5 25. Qb4 Qb6 26. Nxb5 Rfb8 27. Be2 Nab7 28. Qc4 Qd8 29. b4 Nd7 30. Nd4 Ne5 31. Qc2 Rc8 32. Nc6 Qe8 33. Rfc1 e6 34. Bf1 h5 35. b5 exd5 36. exd5 Nd7 37. Re1 Kh7 38. b6 Qf8 39. Qd2 Re8 40. Bb5 Nbc5 41. Bd3 Nb7 42. Bf1 Ra3 43. Qb4 Raxe3 44. Rxe3 Rxe3 45. fxe3 Qe8 46. e4 Ndc5 47. e5 dxe5 48. Na5 Bf8 49. Qb5 Qc8 50. Nxb7 Nxb7 51. Qc6 Bc5+ 52. Kh1 Qf5 53. Ra1 Bd4 54. Rd1 Nc5 55. Qb5 Be3 56. Bd3 e4 57. Rf1 exd3 58. Rxf5 gxf5 59. d6 d2 60. Qb1 Kg7 61. g4 hxg4 62. hxg4 fxg4 63. Kg2 Kf6 64. Kf1 Bf4 65. Ke2 Bxd6 66. b7 Nd7 67. Qb5 Nb8 68. Qd5 Bf4 69. Qd8+ Kf5 70. Qc8+ Kg5 71. Qg8+ Kf5 72. Qxf7+ Kg5 73. Qd5+ Kf6 74. Qg8 Kf5 75. Qc8+ Kg5 76. Qc5+ Kg6 77. Qg1 Kf5 78. Qh1 Kf6 79. Qh5 g3 80. Qd5 Bc7 81. Kxd2 Ke7 82. Kd3 Bd6 83. Kc4 Kd7 84. Kb5 Ke7 85. Qg8 Kf6 86. Qg4 Ke7 87. Qe4+ Kd7 88. Qf5+ Ke7 89. Qh3 Kf6 90. Kc4 Kg5 91. Kd5 Bc7 92. Ke4 Kf6 93. Qf5+ Ke7 94. Kd5 Nd7 95. Kc6 1-0 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.23”] [White “Carlsen, Magnus”] [Black “So, Wesley”] [Result “1/2-1/2”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2847”] [BlackElo “2770”] [ECO “D41”] [Opening “QGD”] [Variation “Semi-Tarrasch, 5.cd”] [WhiteFideId “1503014”] [BlackFideId “5202213”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 c5 5. cxd5 cxd4 6. Qxd4 exd5 7. e4 dxe4 8. Qxd8+ Kxd8 9. Ng5 Be6 10. Nxe6+ fxe6 11. Bg5 Ke8 12. O-O-O Nc6 13. Bc4 Ne5 14. Bxe6 Nd3+ 15. Kc2 Nxf2 16. Bxf6 Nxd1 17. Rxd1 gxf6 18. Rd7 Rd8 19. Rxb7 Rd6 20. Bc4 f5 21. Rxa7 Kd8 22. Ra8+ Ke7 23. Ra5 Bh6 24. Nd5+ Kf7 25. Ne3+ Kg6 26. Nxf5 Rd2+ 27. Kc3 Rf2 28. Ne7+ Kf6 29. Nd5+ Kg7 30. Ra7+ Kg6 31. Ra6+ Kg7 32. Ra7+ Kg6 33. Ra6+ Kg7 34. Ra7+ 1/2-1/2 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.23”] [White “Nepomniachtchi, Ian”] [Black “Radjabov, Teimour”] [Result “1-0”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2792”] [BlackElo “2765”] [ECO “A01”] [Opening “Nimzovich-Larsen attack”] [Variation “classical variation”] [WhiteFideId “4168119”] [BlackFideId “13400924”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. b3 d5 2. Bb2 Nf6 3. g3 Bf5 4. Bg2 e6 5. d3 Nbd7 6. Nd2 Bc5 7. e4 Bg6 8. e5 Ng8 9. h4 h6 10. Nh3 Ne7 11. Nf4 Bh7 12. Nh5 O-O 13. g4 Ng6 14. Nf3 f6 15. exf6 Nxf6 16. Nxf6+ gxf6 17. Qd2 e5 18. Qxh6 Nf4 19. g5 Rf7 20. gxf6 Nxg2+ 21. Kf1 Qxf6 22. Qxf6 Rxf6 23. Kxg2 Raf8 24. Rh3 d4 25. Rg3+ Kh8 26. Rf1 Bd6 27. Ng5 c5 28. Nxh7 Kxh7 29. Rg4 b5 30. Bc1 c4 31. Bg5 Rf3 32. Rg3 R3f7 33. Rh3 Rc8 34. Rd1 cxd3 35. cxd3 Rc2 36. Rd2 Rxd2 37. Bxd2 Rc7 38. Rf3 Rc2 39. Bg5 Rxa2 40. Rf7+ Kg8 41. Rd7 Bb4 42. h5 Be1 43. Bh4 a5 44. h6 1-0 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.24”] [White “So, Wesley”] [Black “Carlsen, Magnus”] [Result “1/2-1/2”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2770”] [BlackElo “2847”] [ECO “C67”] [Opening “Ruy Lopez”] [Variation “open Berlin defence, l’Hermet variation”] [WhiteFideId “5202213”] [BlackFideId “1503014”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. O-O Nxe4 5. d4 Nd6 6. dxe5 Nxb5 7. a4 Nbd4 8. Nxd4 d5 9. exd6 Nxd4 10. Qxd4 Qxd6 11. Qe4+ Qe6 12. Qd4 Qd6 13. Qe4+ Qe6 14. Qd4 Qd6 1/2-1/2 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.24”] [White “Radjabov, Teimour”] [Black “Nepomniachtchi, Ian”] [Result “1/2-1/2”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2765”] [BlackElo “2792”] [ECO “A35”] [Opening “English”] [Variation “symmetrical, four knights system”] [WhiteFideId “13400924”] [BlackFideId “4168119”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. Nf3 c5 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. g3 d5 5. d4 e6 6. cxd5 Nxd5 7. Bg2 cxd4 8. Nxd4 Nxc3 9. bxc3 Nxd4 10. Qxd4 Qxd4 11. cxd4 Bd6 12. a4 Rb8 13. e4 b6 14. Ba3 Bxa3 15. Rxa3 Bb7 16. Kd2 Ke7 17. Rb1 Rhd8 18. Ke3 Bc6 19. Bf1 Rdc8 20. Ba6 Bb7 21. Bb5 Rc7 22. a5 Bc8 23. Bd3 Bd7 24. Rab3 Rc6 25. e5 h6 26. Be4 Rc4 27. axb6 Rxb6 28. Rxb6 axb6 29. Rxb6 Rc3+ 30. Kd2 Ra3 31. Rb7 Ke8 32. d5 Ra2+ 33. Ke3 Ra3+ 34. Ke2 Ra2+ 35. Kf3 Ra3+ 36. Kg2 exd5 37. Bxd5 Rd3 38. Be4 Ra3 39. h4 Ra5 40. f4 Ra2+ 41. Kf3 Ra3+ 42. Kf2 Ra2+ 43. Ke1 Ra1+ 44. Kd2 Ra2+ 45. Kc3 Ra3+ 46. Rb3 Rxb3+ 47. Kxb3 f6 48. Kc3 fxe5 49. fxe5 Ke7 50. Kd4 Bg4 51. Bg6 Bd1 52. Ke3 Bb3 53. Kf4 Be6 54. g4 Bd7 55. g5 hxg5+ 56. Kxg5 Ba4 57. Bf5 Be8 58. Bg4 Kf8 59. h5 Ke7 60. h6 gxh6+ 61. Kxh6 Bf7 62. e6 Bxe6 1/2-1/2 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.31”] [White “Carlsen, Magnus”] [Black “So, Wesley”] [Result “0-1”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2847”] [BlackElo “2770”] [ECO “A00”] [Opening “Polish (Sokolsky) opening”] [WhiteFideId “1503014”] [BlackFideId “5202213”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. b4 d5 2. Bb2 Nf6 3. e3 Bg4 4. Be2 Bxe2 5. Qxe2 Nbd7 6. Nf3 e6 7. a3 c6 8. c4 Bd6 9. d3 a5 10. c5 Bc7 11. O-O O-O 12. Nbd2 b6 13. cxb6 Bxb6 14. Rfc1 axb4 15. axb4 Qe7 16. Rab1 Rfc8 17. Bxf6 Nxf6 18. d4 Bc7 19. Ne1 Bd6 20. Nd3 Rcb8 21. Nf3 Rb6 22. Nfe5 Qb7 23. Qc2 Bxe5 24. dxe5 Nd7 25. Rb3 c5 26. Nxc5 Nxc5 27. Qxc5 Rc6 28. Rbc3 Rxc5 29. Rxc5 h5 30. b5 Ra5 31. h3 g6 32. Rb1 Kg7 33. h4 Qb8 34. g3 Qxe5 35. Rcc1 Ra2 36. b6 Qf5 37. Rf1 Rxf2 38. b7 Rxf1+ 39. Rxf1 Qe5 0-1 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.32”] [White “So, Wesley”] [Black “Carlsen, Magnus”] [Result “0-1”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2770”] [BlackElo “2847”] [ECO “B51”] [Opening “Sicilian”] [Variation “Canal-Sokolsky (Nimzovich-Rossolimo, Moscow) attack”] [WhiteFideId “5202213”] [BlackFideId “1503014”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nd7 4. O-O Nf6 5. Re1 a6 6. Bf1 b6 7. c4 Bb7 8. Nc3 Ne5 9. Nxe5 dxe5 10. d3 e6 11. a3 Be7 12. b4 O-O 13. Rb1 Nd7 14. Be3 Qc7 15. Rb2 cxb4 16. axb4 a5 17. bxa5 bxa5 18. Nb5 Qd8 19. Qc2 Bc6 20. Ra1 h6 21. Na7 Qc7 22. Nb5 Qc8 23. h3 Nc5 24. Rba2 a4 25. Qc3 Nb3 26. Na7 Qd7 27. Nxc6 Qxc6 28. Rb1 Nd4 29. f4 f6 30. Bxd4 exd4 31. Qc2 a3 32. c5 Qxc5 33. Qxc5 Bxc5 34. Be2 Rfb8 35. Rc1 Rb2 36. Bg4 f5 0-1 [Event “FTX Crypto Cup KO 2021”] [Site “chess24.com INT”] [Date “2021.05.31”] [Round “3.33”] [White “Carlsen, Magnus”] [Black “So, Wesley”] [Result “1-0”] [WhiteTitle “GM”] [BlackTitle “GM”] [WhiteElo “2847”] [BlackElo “2770”] [ECO “C50”] [Opening “Giuoco Pianissimo”] [WhiteFideId “1503014”] [BlackFideId “5202213”] [EventDate “2021.05.26”] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d3 Bc5 5. O-O h6 6. c3 O-O 7. b4 Bb6 8. a4 a6 9. Nbd2 d6 10. Re1 Ne7 11. d4 exd4 12. cxd4 d5 13. e5 Nh5 14. Bf1 Nf4 15. Nb3 Neg6 16. a5 Ba7 17. Bxf4 Nxf4 18. Qd2 Ng6 19. Nc5 f6 20. Bd3 f5 21. Bc2 Re8 22. g3 Bxc5 23. bxc5 Be6 24. Rab1 Rb8 25. Re3 Ne7 26. Reb3 Qc8 27. Nh4 Rf8 28. Ng2 Bd7 29. h4 Ba4 30. R3b2 Bxc2 31. Qxc2 Nc6 32. Qc3 g5 33. hxg5 hxg5 34. f4 Kg7 35. Kf2 Rh8 36. fxg5 Rh2 37. Qf3 Nxd4 38. Qxd5 Nc6 39. e6 Qd8 40. Qd7+ Qxd7 41. exd7 Rd8 42. Rd2 Ne5 43. Rxb7 Kg6 44. Rxc7 1-0 [/pgn]

    Throughout the past couple of days it was apparent that Magnus was struggling with a lack of motivation or from an illness that kept his performance below what we’ve come to expect from the world champion. He even went as far as to mention that he felt like shit during a postgame interview with Chess24 yesterday, which contributed to some of his mistakes on the board. In any case, Carlsen took the crown for this event and took home a $60,000 chunk of the prize fund and 0.6 bitcoin (about $22,000 as of this posting).

    For an exceptional analysis of the games in the final matchups, check out this video from Gotham Chess:

    Carlsen and many of the familiar GMs on this circuit will reunite on June 26th for the 2021 Grand Prix.

  • Wesley So Victorious in Bilbao

    American Grandmaster Wesley So achieved victory through a blitz tiebreaker against GM Anish Giri 1.5-0.5. Giri made headlines earlier this week for [destroying](http://www.campfirechess.com/2015/anands-worst-game-ever/) Vishy Anand in Round 4 and for playing a mammoth [172 move draw](http://www.campfirechess.com/2015/giri-plays-172-move-nail-biter/) against Ding Liren. Unfortunately the recently married GM from the Netherlands was unable to keep up the pace and was outmaneuvered in the tiebreaker by So. Wesley was the only player to win a game in the first half of the tournament and quickly became an early favorite to take the lead or at least find himself in a deathmatch with Giri. Like his American counterpart GM Hikaru Nakamura, Wesley So is also a deadly blitz master:

    [Event “8th Grand Slam Masters TB”]
    [Site “Bilbao ESP”]
    [Date “2015.11.01”]
    [Round “1”]
    [White “So, Wesley”]
    [Black “Giri, Anish”]
    [Result “1-0”]
    [ECO “D10”]
    [WhiteElo “2767”]
    [BlackElo “2778”]
    [PlyCount “85”]
    [EventDate “2015.11.01”]

    1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. cxd5 cxd5 5. Bf4 Nc6 6. e3 Bg4 7. Qb3 Na5 8.
    Qa4+ Bd7 9. Qc2 e6 10. Bd3 Bb4 11. Nge2 O-O 12. f3 Rc8 13. O-O h6 14. Bg3 Nc4
    15. Bf2 Re8 16. a3 Bf8 17. Rfc1 b5 18. Rd1 a5 19. Qb1 Qc7 20. a4 bxa4 21. Nxa4
    Qb8 22. Nec3 Nxb2 23. Qxb2 Qxb2 24. Nxb2 Rxc3 25. Be1 Rb3 26. Na4 Bxa4 27. Rxa4
    Bb4 28. Bxb4 axb4 29. Kf2 Rb2+ 30. Kf1 Rc8 31. Raa1 Kf8 32. Rab1 Rxb1 33. Rxb1
    Rb8 34. Ke2 Ke7 35. Kd2 Nd7 36. Kc2 e5 37. Ra1 exd4 38. exd4 Nf8 39. Ra7+ Kf6
    40. Ra5 Ne6 41. Rxd5 b3+ 42. Kb2 Nf4 43. Rf5+ 1-0

    [Event “8th Grand Slam Masters TB”]
    [Site “Bilbao ESP”]
    [Date “2015.11.01”]
    [Round “2”]
    [White “Giri, Anish”]
    [Black “So, Wesley”]
    [Result “1/2-1/2”]
    [ECO “C50”]
    [WhiteElo “2778”]
    [BlackElo “2767”]
    [PlyCount “196”]
    [EventDate “2015.11.01”]

    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. d3 Nf6 5. O-O a6 6. c3 Ba7 7. Bb3 h6 8. Nbd2
    d6 9. Re1 O-O 10. h3 Be6 11. Bc2 Re8 12. Nf1 d5 13. exd5 Nxd5 14. Ng3 Qd6 15.
    Nh4 Qd7 16. Qf3 Qe7 17. Nhf5 Qf8 18. Bb3 Rad8 19. Nh5 Bxf5 20. Qxf5 Nde7 21.
    Qf3 Ng6 22. Re4 Na5 23. Bc2 f5 24. Re1 Kh8 25. Ng3 Nh4 26. Qh5 Qf6 27. d4 e4
    28. Bf4 Bb6 29. Qe2 Nc6 30. Nh5 Qf8 31. Bg3 Ng6 32. Qe3 Re7 33. b4 Rde8 34. Bb3
    Nce5 35. Bxe5 Nxe5 36. Nf4 Kh7 37. Nd5 Nd3 38. Nxe7 Nxe1 39. Nxf5 Nxg2 40. Kxg2
    Qxf5 41. Bc2 Kh8 42. Re1 Qf7 43. Bxe4 c6 44. a4 Bc7 45. Re2 Qh5 46. Qf3 Qg5+
    47. Qg4 Qxg4+ 48. hxg4 a5 49. b5 Bd6 50. f3 c5 51. dxc5 Bxc5 52. Rd2 b6 53. Bg6
    Rf8 54. Rd7 Rf6 55. Be4 g5 56. Kf1 Kg8 57. Ke2 Rd6 58. Rb7 Kf8 59. Rh7 Kg8 60.
    Rc7 Kf8 61. c4 Ke8 62. Bd5 Kd8 63. Rh7 Rf6 64. Kd3 Bd6 65. Be4 Bc5 66. Rg7 Bf8
    67. Rb7 Bc5 68. Ra7 Kc8 69. Rh7 Kd8 70. Rg7 Bf8 71. Ra7 Bc5 72. Rh7 Re6 73. Rf7
    Ke8 74. Rg7 Kd8 75. Rb7 Rf6 76. Bd5 Kc8 77. Ke4 Rf4+ 78. Ke5 Rxc4 79. Rh7 Rxa4
    80. Rxh6 Ra1 81. Rh7 Kd8 82. Be4 a4 83. Ke6 a3 84. Rh8+ Kc7 85. Ra8 Rd1 86.
    Ra7+ Kb8 87. Ra4 Rd8 88. Kf5 Be7 89. Ra8+ Kc7 90. Ra7+ Kd6 91. Rb7 Rf8+ 92. Kg6
    Bd8 93. Ra7 Kc5 94. Rxa3 Kxb5 95. Kg7 Re8 96. Rd3 Bc7 97. Rc3 Be5+ 98. Kf7 Bxc3

    Check out a complete recap with photos and commentary on [Chessbase](http://en.chessbase.com/post/bilbao-so-wins-after-tie-break).