Tag: YouTube

  • Game Analysis – The Sludge

    Game Analysis – The Sludge

    I recently played an 86-move game that was simultaneously the longest and most frustrating game of my short chess career. In an effort to break out of my comfort zone and try something new, I decided to make this game the subject of my first-ever video analysis. Written analysis is provided below the YouTube video. I hope you enjoy it!

    [Event “Let’s Play!”]
    [Site “Chess.com”]
    [Date “2021.09.04”]
    [Round “-“]
    [White “CMDRExorcist”]
    [Black “Internet Opponent”]
    [Result “1-0”]
    [ECO “C70”]
    [WhiteElo “1066”]
    [BlackElo “895”]
    [TimeControl “1/86400”]
    [CurrentPosition “1k6/1Q6/2K5/8/8/8/8/8 b – – 24 86”]
    [Timezone “UTC”]
    [ECOUrl “https://www.chess.com/openings/Ruy-Lopez-Opening-Morphy-Defense-Cozio-Defense”]
    [UTCDate “2021.09.04”]
    [UTCTime “01:39:33”]
    [Termination “CMDRExorcist won by checkmate”]
    [StartTime “01:39:33”]
    [EndDate “2021.09.08”]
    [EndTime “20:52:08”]
    [Link “https://www.chess.com/game/daily/355022875”]

    {Very few games have made me consider quitting chess completely, but this was
    one of them. What follows is an incredible battle that I’ve nicknamed \”The
    Sludge\”. You’ll see what I mean…} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nge7
    5. O-O {At this rating range, five book moves into an opening is a decent
    start.} 5… b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7. d4 {Pushing forward hard and fast; trying to break
    open the center and assert control.} 7… exd4 8. Nxd4 Nxd4 9. Qxd4 Nc6 {Black
    attacks the Queen but also blocks his dominant Bishop.} 10. Qd5 Qe7 11. Bg5 $6
    {Certainly not the best move in this position. I was trying to dislodge the
    Queen and/or force Black to weaken his pawn structure on the Kingside.} 11…
    Qe6 12. Qd3 Qd6 {My opponent is determined to trade Queens.} 13. Qxd6 Bxd6 {I
    can oblige in this position because I have a very nice Bishop pair dominating
    the board at the moment.} 14. Nc3 f6 15. Be3 O-O-O 16. a4 {One of many times in
    this game where the engine and I don’t agree. It marks this as a $6 but there
    was a solid plan behind it. My intention was to break the Kingside defense
    because almost all of my pieces were activated on that side. It wasn’t
    productive to waste time in this position and allow my opponent to gain
    counterplay.} 16… bxa4 17. Bxa4 Ne5 18. f4 Nc4 19. Bc1 $2 {A solid mistake,
    but worse (IMHO) was Kf2 which puts my King right in harms way.} 19… Rhe8 20.
    Re1 Bc5+ 21. Kf1 g6 22. b3 $4 {My only blunder of the game. Black has an
    opportunity to skewer my Knight and Rook, but doesn’t take it.} 22… Nd6 23. e5
    Nf5 24. Ne4 Bxe4 25. Rxe4 Re6 26. Bb5 {Offering the Bishop in exchange for a
    tactic.} 26… Nd6 27. Bxa6+ Kb8 28. Rea4 fxe5 29. Bc4 {Another sacrificial
    offering.} 29… Nxc4 {Black takes the bait…} 30. Ra8+ Kb7 31. Rxd8 {And the
    tactic is successful.} 31… Nb6 32. g3 Kc6 33. Bd2 exf4 34. b4 Be3 35. Bxe3
    fxe3 36. Ke2 {A trad and move sequence that builds a barrier in the center of
    the board for the next few moves. The King holds the pawn hostage to prevent a
    new Queen from appearing on the board.} 36… Nc4 37. b5+ Kxb5 38. Rxd7 Nb6 39.
    Rxc7 {Gobbling up free pawns.} 39… h5 40. h4 Nd5 41. Rb1+ {This is a critical
    moment in the game. I missed the fork 41.c4 $1. Missing this move is most likely
    what caused the game to carry on for so long.} 41… Nb4 42. c4+ Kb6 43. Rd7 Kc5
    44. Rc7+ Nc6 45. Rcb7 {A move I made with little thought that cost me a pawn.}
    45… Kxc4 46. Rd7 Kc5 47. Rc1+ Kb6 48. Rd3 {Trying to find any way possible to
    force Black’s King to the a-file.} 48… Kc7 49. Re1 g5 50. hxg5 Re5 51. g6 Rg5
    {Black gives up the e3 pawn to stop my newly passed pawn on g6.} 52. Rxe3 Rxg6
    53. Rc1 Kd6 54. Rd1+ Kc5 55. Rc3+ Kb4 56. Rcc1 Na5 57. Rd4+ Kb5 58. Kf3 Nb3 {I
    panicked for a moment here because of the fork, but a simple move to Rb1
    prevents Black from taking either piece. And The Sludge continues…} 59. Rb1
    Kc5 60. Rdd1 Na5 61. Rbc1+ Nc4 62. Rd3 Rg4 63. Rdc3 Kb4 {At this point, I was
    frustrated with my own play and with how long the game had continued. I
    calculated a few lines before deciding it was time to trade off all the minor
    pieces and try to win a King-Pawn endgame.} 64. Rxc4+ Rxc4 65. Rxc4+ Kxc4 66.
    Kf4 h4 $4 {Black gives away any chances he had of counter play and helps to put
    my pawn on the h-file where it is much easier to guard against Black’s
    approaching King.} 67. gxh4 Kd5 68. Kg5 Ke6 69. Kg6 Ke7 70. Kg7 Ke6 71. h5
    {Black is not fast enough to stop the promotion.} 71… Ke5 72. h6 Kf5 73. h7
    Kg5 74. h8=Q Kf5 75. Qh5+ Ke6 76. Kg6 Ke7 77. Qf5 Kd6 78. Kf6 Kc6 79. Qe5 Kd7
    80. Qe6+ Kc7 81. Ke7 Kb7 82. Qd6 Kc8 83. Qd7+ Kb8 84. Kd6 {These last few moves
    were critical to ensure that I didn’t end this 80-move game in a stalemate…}
    84… Ka8 85. Kc6 Kb8 {Black’s only move.} 86. Qb7# {This was one of the longest
    games I’ve ever played and it was also one of the most frustrating. Ultimately,
    it ended in victory but this was the hardest 4 ELO points I think I’ve ever
    earned.} 1-0

  • ChessNoteR Forges A Digital Pathway

    ChessNoteR Forges A Digital Pathway

    **Editor’s Note:** Purchase your own [ChessNoteR](http://www.chessnoter.com) for a 10% discounted rate by using the code **CAMPFIRECHESS** when you checkout. This offer is good until _30 April 2019_, so don’t wait!

    One of the things I love about chess is how it leverages technology and even drives advancement of new hardware/software or repurposing of old hardware/software. Throughout history, engineers and developers have found ways to incorporate chess into their projects. When new supercomputers are designed, chess gameplay is often the first thing to be implemented as a way of demonstrating the new system’s intelligence. Programs like *Deep Blue* and Google’s *AlphaZero* are just a few examples of this push. But what about the everyday chess player sitting in a smokey club trying to decide which Sicilian Defense line to follow? Well, technological advances in the club have also modernized the game. Few people use manual clocks anymore in favor of digital clocks with increment controls and other unique features. And, for a growing number of players, paper scoresheets are being replaced by a growing field of electronic ones.

    This brings me to today’s topic: electronic scoresheets and a dangerous new contender. My regular friends and readers know that I’ve used the [Plycounter](http://www.plycount.com/) electronic scoresheet for years and even did a [review](http://www.campfirechess.com/finding-the-right-notation-tool/) several years ago. It’s a small touchscreen device that uses a stylus to move the pieces. It’s been an OK device that, honestly, hasn’t held up as well over the years as I had originally hoped. That’s why I’m pleased that I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an emerging device called the [ChessNoteR](http://www.chessnoter.com).

    #### Re-purposed Technology

    **DISCLAIMER:** Black Mirror Studio graciously provided me with a ChessNoteR to test and review.

    As you can see, the ChessNoteR (pictured above) looks a lot like a cell phone. Well, that’s because it *is* a re-purposed cell phone! The ChessNoteR I tested is a Motorola Nexus 6 cell phone running a custom flavor of Android OS called ChessNoteR OS. While the device still bears the mark of its previous life as a cell phone, it immediately boots into its custom OS that only runs the ChessNoteR app and its support services. I found the interface to be relatively easy to set up. Upon booting, it enters into a default setup wizard that enables a user to connect to WiFi and input their own user information. You can opt out of the WiFi settings, but you’ll lose some of the more interesting features if you do. On that note, WiFi access has been one of the biggest hurdles for electronic devices being certified by [US Chess](http://www.uschess.org). Access to telecommunications services is forbidden during official tournaments, so that has squashed the hopes of many iPhone and Android apps of being certified for tournament play.

    ChessNoteR is the first device to find a way around this. At its core, it’s an Android app, but it *owns* the device. So, you cannot run any additional apps and you cannot run the notation app with WiFi enabled. It’s this feature that gives ChessNoteR the leverage it needed to become certified. I’ll get into the software next, but I wanted to note that it comes with two different delivery methods. The first option is to buy a pre-configured device from the website. The second option is to buy your own used Motorola Nexus 6 and ship it to the company and they will load the software onto the phone and configure it for a much cheaper price.

    #### Exploring the Software

    The core of ChessNoteR is its software. As I said, you can buy a pre-configured device or ship your own to the company for configuration. So, what about the software? Well, I must say that I’ve been impressed with what I’ve seen so far of the software. The interface is very clean and user friendly. You can tell that the designer has put a lot of work into it. There are options for inputting your rating and demographic information which auto populates on scoresheets and in the exportable PGN files (sweet).

    Once you start a new game, the device disables it’s WiFi service and you cannot exit the game without *ending* the game. This prevents a user from exiting their game and using it to reference any other information that might be stored on the device during a tournament. You’ll also find that you can drag the pieces to any point on the board. This is an important part of certification through *US Chess* because restricting piece movement would be a form of electronic coaching. For example, you could actually play *1.e6* on the device and it would properly annotate the move.

    The notation interface also enables you to change the board colors to better suit you if blue and white (the default scheme) are not your preferred colors. Typically I change the board colors to match my favorite color scheme which matches that of [Chess.com](http://www.chess.com)’s default dark green scheme. However, I enjoyed the blue and white design of the ChessNoteR app, so I left it alone.

    #### Next Generation Feature Set

    Sure, it’s cool to have your games in electronic format on a hand held device, but what good is the device in the world of tournaments and real chess? Well, this device seems to have that covered as well. ChessNoteR enables a user to export games in multiple formats.

    – First, you can export the games in the traditional PGN format for use with [Chessbase](http://www.chessbase.com) and other desktop (or mobile) database applications. [Plycounter](http://www.plycount.com) also does this, but it requires installation of a third party application. ChessNoteR takes advantage of built in hardware support through the Nexus device to export the game.
    – Second, you can export the games on a professionally designed scoresheet with signatures that are ready for submission to a TD. When a game is complete, the user and opponents sign their scoresheet using the touch screen. Those signatures are exported on the scoresheet in PDF format via WiFi transfer using integrated [Dropbox](http://www.dropbox.com) functionality! So there’s no need to connect to a TD’s computer. Just connect to their WiFi and submit your game to be officially logged electronically.

    I’m a big Chromecast and video streaming user, so I was pleased to see that ChessNoteR supports wireless video casting, which allows you to *cast* your game to a device using a device compatible with Android video casting. This is great for reviewing games with a coach or for those times when your chess study demands 4K high definition. *ChessNoteR does not support Chromecast itself*, but instead supports some built-in protocols in smart TVs from Samsung, LG, and others through standard Android OS protocols.

    These are nice features that bring the convenience of digital scoresheets and notation to the tabletop chess world with a minimum amount of hassle. The controls and features are intuitive enough that anyone who uses a cell phone or tablet should have no problems using it.

    #### Final Thoughts

    I’ve been using my Plycounter for almost five years and it’s certainly taken a beating. The screen is showing significant signs of wear and overall the device feels much more cumbersome than it did when I first reviewed it. I was extremely excited to have an opportunity to test out the ChessNoteR and I am very pleased with it. The screen is much larger and more responsive than anything you’ll find on the market today.

    The *only* thing that I don’t like is how the device comes stamped with the giant *Nexus* logo on the back. There’s a small label on the device with a QR code for certification data, but the logo bothers me for some reason. In no way does that affect the device operation. Instead, it effects my OCD tendencies more. This can be fixed with a simple skin or decal from a place like [SkinIt](http://www.skinit.com) or [DecalGirl](http://www.decalgirl.com).

    Bottom line? You won’t find a better device for the price for digitally tracking your tournament games. Check out the ChessNoteR on their official [website](http://www.chessnoter.com). You can also find a large selection of videos on the ChessNoteR official [YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFgf8MuW9ioXa87yxYJbiSQ) that demonstrate the various device features and how to use them.

    **RATING:** ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟ ♟

    **ADDENDUM:** I didn’t realize how *out of it* I’ve been lately. In researching this article and doing the review/evaluation of this device, I realized that *Plycounter* ceased operations in February 2018 and the *Monroi Personal Chess Manager* is not available for purchase on their website.

  • Today is National Chess Day!

    Today is National Chess Day!

    Good morning, Campers! Today is National Chess Day in the United States! Established in 1976, the holiday recognizes the benefits of chess to mental and social development as well as it’s links to improved quality of life. Clubs and individuals across the country will be setting up their boards to play the royal game in celebration of its national recognition.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFHy2D30avc]


    Here are just a few things you can do today to participate:

    • US Chess Events: A comprehensive list of all US Chess sponsored events throughout the nation.
    • In Dallas, the Dallas Chess Club is hosting its 2017 National Chess Day FIDE Weekend Open Tournament.
    • In Dayton, Ohio (my hometown), the Dayton Chess Club is hosting the 5th Annual Wright Brothers Open.

    In addition to these events and the myriad of chess activities available on lichess.org, Chess.com and others, I have curated a small playlist of chess videos for you to enjoy on YouTube. Check out the Campfire Chess YouTube Channel for more information.

  • Campfire Chess Game of the Week

    Campfire Chess Game of the Week

    Looking for something different? Things have been quiet here on the Campfire Chess blog lately, but head over to our brand new YouTube channel to watch our new content! I hope to add new game recaps weekly and other exclusive video content as I am able.

  • What is Your Favorite Piece?

    Do you have a favorite chess piece? Are you partial to the Queen and her awesome power to be the decisive factor in a game? Or maybe you prefer the Knight and picture yourself as a warrior riding into battle as you move the pieces? I have been asked several times what my favorite piece is and it has certainly not changed since I started playing chess many years ago. Without a doubt, the pawn is my favorite piece, but this is not a post just to tell you that. Instead, I was intrigued by how a person’s favorite chess piece can significantly reflect nuances of their personality. This came about because I was recently asked about my favorite piece and the response from the questioner was that it did not surprise them. This was because the person recognized the importance of the pawn as a key to victory. 

    An Overlooked Behemoth

    In my opinion, the pawn is often an undervalued and critical part of any chess strategy. Even in pop culture references to chess, the idea of being a pawn often relegates a person to a mere participant without any significant positive contribution to the effort. Yet, a chess game is lost right out of the gate without a pawn protecting the King! When I look at the chess board, it is easy to see the elegance of the Knights, Bishops, Rooks, King and Queen. The pawn is often nondescript, but it is an overlooked and under appreciated behemoth (Battlefield 1 reference FTW). 

    I think that there is no better representation of this importance than Ted Danson’s explanation of the pawn from the movie Knights of the South Bronx. In the film, his character is explaining to the kids about each piece and how valuable they are. In the YouTube clip below, the relevant part starts at 3:35.

    Initially he downplays the importance of the pawn but reverses course when he recognizes that many of the underprivileged kids he is teaching relate more to the pawn than any other piece. They are quickly disillusioned by his explanation because it seems to reinforce the sense of hopelessness they feel in life. Yet, he changes directions and tells them of how important the piece is to the success of the game. The reversal is not a lie, but merely a different way of looking at the importance of the piece. Without the pawn, the King’s army is defenseless.

    Echoes of Modern Leadership

    The pawn relationship in chess is a perfect allegory for experiences in modern leadership. Chess mirrors life in countless ways, including the distinct roles that each person plays in the fulfillment of life’s greater purpose. Sure, most people want to be King or Queen, but those who wear badges of royalty or distinction cannot sustain themselves without the people who choose to be Bishops, Knights, Rooks, or pawns. It is this leadership reflection that makes the pawn my favorite piece. 

    I have felt like an undervalued pawn by my work, my family, and my friends at many points throughout my life. I have even found myself in the midst of a pawn sacrifice from time to time, which led me to a strong personal conviction to ensure that when entrusted with the care of pawns that I would do my best to protect them and utilize them to the best of their ability. Furthermore, I pledged to myself that I would do my best to show them that they have intrinsic values that are far greater than the 1 point awarded on the board. 

    This same person who asked about the pawns later presented me with a going away gift from a work center I recently departed. On the plaque I received was an engraved pawn along with a huge ceramic pawn to add to my collection! It was an incredibly touching gesture that reinforced my thoughts and feelings about the pawn and its importance as a chess piece and as an allegory of life.

    What is your favorite chess piece and why? Share your story on our Facebook page or Twitter feed!

  • Red Bull Advert Features Chess

    A new advertisement by [Red Bull](http://www.redbull.com) energy drinks features a man playing chess against a very Cylon-esq robot. Touting its technological superiority, the robot tells the man that he is capable of forecasting his game by *90 trillion moves*. Undeterred, the man gulps down a Red Bull which causes the robot to succumb to the man’s psychological warfare tactics by repeating simply, *not fair…not fair…not fair*. While Red Bull will most likely not allow you to beat such a robot, it is cool to see the company embracing the game in addition to its [sponsorship of GM Hikaru Nakamura](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLRGMUsNyUc).

    Here’s the full video: